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Property Clean Up

Services Offered

Hedge Trimming

Hedges can add privacy and beauty to your garden, but they require regular maintenance to stay looking neat and tidy. Our hedge trimming services include pruning, shaping, and trimming to keep your hedges looking their best.

Small Tree Pruning

Trees require regular maintenance to keep them healthy and safe. Our tree pruning services include removing dead or diseased branches, shaping trees, and ensuring that they are structurally sound.

Garden Weeding

Weeding is an essential task that helps to keep your garden healthy and free from unwanted pests. Our garden weeding services include removing weeds from flower beds, vegetable gardens, and other areas of your garden.


Mulching is an essential part of garden maintenance, as it helps to retain moisture, prevent weed growth, and protect plants from extreme temperatures. It also gives plants an extra nutrient boost as it breaks down!

Debris Removal

Once all the tree's have been pruned, the weeds pulled and the hedge trimmed that's gonna leave a hell of a mess! We'll take all of this greenwaste with us back to Greenscapes.

Speciality Services & Packages

End Of Tenancy/For Sale Clean Up

As a landlord, you want to ensure that your rental property is in pristine condition when a tenant moves out or in. As a seller, nothing is going to help sell that house more than a fresh look to accentuate all of its lovely features.

Our end of tenancy property clean up service is designed to achieve just that.  We offer all the above services, plus whatever else is needed to get the job done (within a reasonable scope).

A short list of performed services:

  • Remove debris

  • Trim hedges

  • Prune trees

  • Weed garden beds/remove dead plants

  • Top up mulch to give a fresh look

  • Any landscaping jobs needed to be done before selling/changing tenancy? We can do this as a package deal, view our full range of services here.

Seasonal Cleanups

As the seasons change, so too do the needs of your garden. Our seasonal property clean up services will give your garden every chance of remaining as healthy as possible through this transformation in the weather. Other than getting your property looking clean, sharp and tidy, our main two focuses are - prepping your garden for the cold winter and then perking it back up to face the spring. 

Winter Prep:

Summer Prep:

  • Prune back all trees and plants

  • Remove all dead leaves and plants

  • Remove all weeds so they can't establish themselves over winter

  • Cover garden beds in Greenscapes compost (to spread throughout the winter)

  • Cover all garden beds in Greenscapes mulch for the best possible start to planting in the spring

  • Prune back all trees and plants as required

  • Remove dead plants and leaves

  • Remove all weeds

  • Turn over the soil in all garden beds, enrich if needed with compost

  • Replenish pathways, top up mulch and other groundcover items

  • Tidy and clear all garden edging 

Garden Re-Design

Did you know Visionscapes are experts in landscape and garden design? Just take a look at the images above! Those aren't photos - they're 3D designs made by our talented designers. 

Are you tired of your garden? Is a spruce up not going to be enough to give your garden that fresh appearance you're truly looking for? Consider getting a redesign done and while our division Greenscapes is in there cleaning up we can change a few things around for you too! Whether that be a new garden path, a new set of plants to adorn your features, a patio in place of your grass... or anything you can think of really. Visionscapes has the creative talent to design it, and the technical know-how and ability to install it.

Find out more information about our designs below.