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Spring time means, it's time to get summer ready!

Preparing Your Landscape for a Stunning SummerAs the icy grip of winter loosens its hold and the first signs of spring emerge, it's time to start thinking about transforming your outdoor space into a summer paradise. With the sun shining brighter and temperatures on the rise, getting your landscaping ready in spring is a crucial step towards ensuring your yard is the envy of the neighbourhood once summer arrives. That's where our expert landscaping team comes in, ready to help you achieve t...

August 23, 2023

Going Low Maintenance

The weather has been a bit up and down and really confused the plants too.  With some plants dying, others seem to thrive.  But how do we know what is best for our garden?  There are simple basics that is the foundation of any landscape.  Those basics stay the same.  To ensure you have the foundations right, low maintenance is key to starting your landscape.  It requires minimum upkeep, saving you heaps of time.  And it'll save you money in the long run and can...

April 11, 2023

Summer Planning

Do you want your own oasis, but don't know where to start? Our expert Landscape Designers know everything there is to know to turn your dream into reality.Entrance design is a key element of your home. It sets the tone for the entirety of the property. Our landscape designers are well equipped to design an outdoor living space that will not only add value, but also extend your living space.⁠We are trained to think about the landscape's "problem areas" and create a plan.There are so much to con...

December 2, 2022

Spring Is Coming

Whether your outdoor space is generous in size or confined to a smaller area, there are creative ways to make any landscape design both beautiful and functional. The first step in achieving this though, is developing a clear plan....

August 23, 2022

Planning during winter

Your landscape project will be completed sooner when it's planned in the winter. Not all of your original design ideas will make it into the final layout plan, and that's only natural. Bursts of inspiration can hit at any point and sometimes what someone would like to see accomplished with their landscape isn't always possible. With that in mind, it becomes more apparent why your landscape project should be started sooner rather than later. The winter provides you with additional time to plan fo...

June 7, 2022

We Plan. We Design. We Create.

Going into Autumn.  Is your garden autumn ready? It seems like summer arrived just a short time ago, but evening temperatures are cooler, schools are in session and autumn is around the corner. Soon the leaves will gradually change colour and we'll find ourselves in a new gardening season. In autumn the soil is moist and warm – perfect for establishing plants before winter sets in. This is why so much planting takes place in autumn. Bare-root trees are typically planted from autumn t...

February 17, 2022

Advantages of working with a one-stop-shop landscaping company

At Visionscapes we pride ourselves on our design, landscape and building skills. With our highly qualified and experienced staff, and working with our sister company Greenscapes to offer top quality product- we understand time is money and we ensure that your money is spent delivering the vision you desire for your landscape. You will experience the difference, the efficiencies and the value that comes from working with a company that is both a landscape architecture firm and a landscape constr...

January 18, 2022

Create a lush and green outdoor space with these top landscaping ideas

Try starting with a basic plan, making a list of the veggies, flowers and other plants you want in your garden and wander around your neighbourhood to check what grows well in your neck of the woods....

December 20, 2021


We are thrilled to announce that we have recently joined over 2,549 leading New Zealand industry professionals on the ArchiPro network. ArchiPro is New Zealand's largest all-in-one platform simplifying the end-to-end building process. The platform enables users to seamlessly browse projects, find products, connect with professionals, manage projects, and learn about building, all in one place. Almost 20% of New Zealand's population use the platform every year to support their building needs and ...

November 29, 2021

Landscape Design

"The art and practice of designing the outdoor environment, especially designing parks or gardens to harmonise with buildings and roads."...

November 1, 2021

Spring Cleanups in your Garden

Cutting down the dead plant stems too early in the spring will disturb them before they have a chance to emerge. Wait as long as you can to do your spring garden clean up. Ideally, you should wait until the daytime temperatures are consistently above 10 degrees C for at least 7 consecutive days....

September 20, 2021

Outdoor Rooms

They are so popular these days and add value to many buyers who will consider it as an additional living space. People's first impression of a home starts from the road, so make sure your garden at the front of the property looks neat, mulch, do the weeding, trim the hedges, and add a few extras to make it stand out. Most people want a low maintenance garden, a space where they can just enjoy without the extra hours of gardening on a Saturday, so keep it simple. Visionscapes are excellent in ass...

May 13, 2021

Visionscapes Design FAQs

1. Do I have to get a 3D planting plan designed or can I just get a landscape concept plan designed? A planting plan doesn’t have to be included in your design process. We often supply clients with just the landscape concept plan (a photo of your area is taken and we use tracing paper to visualise the new landscape) which then allows us to start working through the pricing process. A planting plan is often best created when construction is underway. When the project starts to evolve on site, y...

December 14, 2020

The Potager Garden

Potager: French term for an ornamental vegetable or kitchen garden....

August 24, 2020 Posts 1-14 of 14 | Page